Ing. Roald van de Munt
Owner / Senior Business Consultant LinkedIn profile |
My name is Roald van de Munt, Dutch, Founder & Owner of ExpatAccountant.com, Alexio.cz and TradeLicense.cz with +15 years experience dealing with Expats in Czech Republic. I speak 4 languages: English, German, Dutch and Czech.
I specialize in Czech self-employment (trade licenses) for foreigners, typically dealing with the global mobile, remote workers, digital nomads and alike. Very common topics are Income Tax, Social Charges, Health Insurance, Invoicing abroad, Revenue from foreign businesses, VAT, and Visa / Residence issues.
Self-employment in Czech Republic has a few peculiarities. But I will explain everything to you, because if you understand it, you'll be a better entrepreneur and easier customer to work with.
For Tax Planning / Tax optimization we'll go though an model in an online meeting. It calculates exactly, even if your income is a mix of (Foreign) Employment, Self-Employment, Rental Income, Investments and Dividends. It even can handle 1 vs 2 Trade Licenses, Trade License vs SRO / LLC / Foreign Company.
Trade licenses use single-entry accounting, which has much less requirements than the double-entry accounting of SROs.
Very often it is enough to do just the annual Personal Income Tax Return, and for VAT Returns (if required) we have a simple Online VAT Filing System